Monday, 26 November 2012

Finished building 2012

Working area in the house...
Accommodation is consisting of a large dormitory room which
can accommodate up to eight artists

The EARP house has a dinning room, studio place, sitting area outside
a large organically grown garden, BBQ place  and house yard 

Art Projects 2012

Summer 2012 is gone.. 

Artists, performers, philosophers, musicians, photographers, zoologists, permaculturalists,  WWOOFING volunteers  visitors and local community got together and worked hard on finishing the EARP house,  used their energy in creating new works of art, collaborated  on projects and they all established long-lasting   platform for future projects and they all promised that they will come back ....
In this short period of time we had visitors  from Australia, Argentina, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, UK, France, Canada, Russia , Serbia and Bosnia.

Art workshops involving local community, WWOOFING volonteers
 and artists... 

Making mosaics ...

installation art..

stop motion animation 

mosaic making workshops...

painting ...
sculpture, collage, mosaic, installation art workshops...

Erdevik 2012

Erdevik is a small village with only one pub, bakery and the small market held only on Thursdays. Artist residency house  has a large organically grown garden using permaculture principals. 
From May there are plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit lasting till late November.
Culture, customs and colourful costumes of the multitude confessional society of Erdevik is exciting, represented by Serbs, Slovaks, Croats, Hungarians, Ruthenians, Montenegrian, Macedonians, Slovenians, Yugoslav and others.
Erdevik is rich in vineyard and it is presumed that the first vineyards in Erdevik were established as early as 276 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Probus who brought grape-wine to the region of Srem. Wine is the symbol of the Erdevik village and was traditionally awarded with respectable prizes on the domestic and international Wine fairs that made famous sorts of Erdevik wines – traminac, risling, sauvignon, burgundy and the white table wine incorporated among the most famous vines of the Central Europe. Locals of Erdevik village /used to/ live and survive and prosper by cultivating the fertile land and producing wines.

Erdevik (Ердевик) is a village in Serbia. It is situated in the Šid municipality, in the Srem District, Vojvodina province,Serbia. The village has  population numbering 3,316 people.

Useful Serbian phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Serbian for almost every occasion.
Key to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal.

Englishсрпски (Serbian)
WelcomeДобродошли (Dobrodošli!)
HelloЗдраво (Zdravo)
Хало (Halo) Молим (Molim) - on the phone
How are you?

I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Како си? (Kako si?) - inf
Како сте? (Kako ste?)
Како сте Ви? (Kako ste Vi?) - frm
Добро сам, хвала. А ти?
(Dobro sam, hvala. A ti?) - inf
Добро сам, хвала. Како сте Ви?
(Dobro sam, hvala. Kako ste Vi?) - frm
Long time no seeДуго се нисмо видели (Dugo se nismo videli)
Дуго се нисмо чули (Dugo se nismo čuli)
What's your name?

My name is ...
Како се зовеш? (Kako se zoveš?) - inf
Како се зовете? (Kako se zovete?) - frm
Зовем се ... (Zovem se ...)
Where are you from?

I'm from ...
Одакле си? (Odakle si?) - inf
Одакле сте? (Odakle ste?) - frm
Ја сам из... (Ja sam iz ...)
Pleased to meet youДраго ми је (Drago mi je)
Good morningДобро јутро (Dobro jutro)
Good afternoonДобар дан (Dobar dan)
Good eveningДобро вече (Dobro veče)
GoodbyeДовиђења (Doviđenja)
Good luckСрећно (Srećno)
Cheers/Good health!Живео! (Živeo!) Живели! (Živeli!) - Let's live long
Have a nice dayПријатан дан желим (Prijatan dan želim)
Bon appetitПријатно! (Prijatno!)
Bon voyageСрећан пут (Srećan put!)
I don't understandНе разумем (Ne razumem)
Please speak more slowlyМожеш ли причати спорије?
(Možeš li pričati sporije?) - inf
Можете ли причати спорије
(Možete li pričati sporije?) - frm
Please write it downМолим Вас можете ли ми то написати?
(Molim Vas možete li mi to napisati?)
Do you speak Serbian?

Yes, a little
Да ли говориш српски (Da li govoriš srpski?) inf
Да ли говорите српски (Da li govorite srpski?) frm
Да, (нешто) мало говорим српски
(Da, (nešto) malo govorim srpski)
How do you say ... in Serbian?Како се каже на српском ...
(Kako se kaže na srpskom...)
Excuse meИзвините! (Izvinite!) Опростите! (Oprostite!)
How much is this?Колико ово кошта? (Koliko ovo košta?)
SorryЖао ми је (Žao mi je) Опростите (Oprostite)
Thank you

Хвала (Hvala)
Хвала лепо (Hvala lepo)
Хвала вам (Hvala vam)
Много вам хвала (Mnogo vam hvala)
Молим (Molim)
Where's the toilet?Где је тоалет Gde je toalet)
Где је купатило (Gde je kupatilo)
Где је заход?
(Gde je zahod?)
This gentleman/lady
will pay for everything
Овај господин ће све платити
(Ovaj gospodin će sve platiti) - gentleman
Ова дама ће све платити
(Ova dama će sve platiti) - lady
Would you like to
dance with me?
Желите ли да плешете са мном?
(Želite li da plešete sa mnom?)
Могу ли да добийем овау плес?
(Mogu li da dobijem ovaj ples?)
I love youВолим те (Volim te)
Get well soonОздрави што пре! (Ozdravi što pre!)
Leave me alone!Остави ме на миру (Ostavi me na miru!)
У помоћ! (U pomoć!)
Пожар! (Požar!)
Стани! (Stani!)
Call the police!Позовите полицију! (Pozovite policiju!)
Позовите милицију! (Pozovite miliciju!)
Merry Christmas*
and a Happy New Year
Христос се роди (Hristos se rodi) - Christ is born
Ваистину се роди (Vaistinu se rodi) - truly born (reply)
Срећна Нова Година (Srećna Nova Godina) - Happy New Year
Happy EasterХристос васкрсе (Hristos vaskrse) - Christ resurrected
Ваистину васкрсе (Vaistina vaskrse) - truly resurrected (reply)
Happy BirthdayСрећан рођендан (Srećan rođendan)
One language
is never enough
Знати један језик није довољно
(Znati jedan jezik nije dovoljno)